GN 809

Clamp mounts

for toggle clamps with solid clamping arm

GN 809

Clamp mounts
Clamp mounts

GN 809

Clamp mounts
Clamp mounts


zinc plated, blue passivated

GN 809 clamp mounts for toggle clamp spindle assemblies have been developed for various toggle clamps in the design version "solid clamping arm".

The clamp mounts can be moved along the clamping arm and be adjusted in height. Once the desired position is reached, fix the mounting in place with the clamping screw.

The thread d2 serves to hold the wide variety of clamping bolts, spring elements and similar devices.


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Don’t delay, give OIC a call and talk to us about your industrial application. Our aim is to help your business choose the right Elesa+Ganter element for the function you need. Whether you need to clamp, close, connect, control, level, manoeuvre, measure or set. OIC has an Elesa+Ganter machine element to fit your need.

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