GN 632.1

Grub screws

with ball point for Thrust pads GN 631 / GN 631.5

GN 632.1

Grub screws
Grub screws

GN 632.1

Grub screws
Grub screws


  • Tensile strength class 5.8
  • blackened

Grub screws GN 632.1 with ball point are as a rule used with thrust pads GN 631  /   GN 631.5 .

The ball-Ø d2 is smaller than the thread core-Ø, which allows fitting over the ball end.

The combination of grub screws GN 632.1 and thrust pads GN 631  /  GN 631.5  with gripping elements easily makes clamping screws of many different types.


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