
Round vacuum cups with double bellows

Diameter 40 mm, with support, vulcanised rubber


Round vacuum cups with double bellows
Oil-proof rubber


Round vacuum cups with double bellows
Natural rubber


Round vacuum cups with double bellows
Silicone rubber


Round vacuum cups with double bellows
Oil-proof rubber


Vacuum cup in oil-proof rubber (NBR), natural (NR), or silicone (VMQ).

Support in anodised aluminium.

Standard executions

  • VVP-40-T-A: oil-proof rubber.
  • VVP-40-T-N: natural rubber.
  • VVP-40-T-S: silicone rubber.

Features and applications

They are specifically indicated for picking up thin sheet metal or glass sheets.

The vacuum cup has a vulcanised treatment which makes it more resistant to abrasion and wear and above all to traction forces, as well as allowing the rubber to degrade less easily making it more resistant to aggressive environmental agents and extending the length of its useful life.

The multi-bellows configuration makes the vacuum cup suitable for different surfaces, even irregular ones, with imperfect flatness or inclined, allowing its use in different applications including the handling of wooden panels (chipboard or pressed) or plastic laminates.

The effective stroke of the bellows is 20 mm.

See Technical Data for vacuum cups.


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