GN 51b

T-Slot Nuts

Steel / Stainless Steel, for Aluminum Profiles (b-Modular System)

GN 51b-B

T-Slot Nuts
With increased torque

GN 51b-N

T-Slot Nuts
Without increased torque

GN 51b-B

T-Slot Nuts
With increased torque


  • Type N: Without increased torque
  • Type B: With increased torque

Steel, zinc plated, blue passivated SZ

Stainless steel, plain finish NB

T-slot nuts GN 51b fasten attachments and accessories in the slot of aluminum profiles. They are inserted into the slot of the aluminum profile at any position and affixed by a 90° turn.

With type B, the increased torque in the nut thread ensures that the required 90° turn during installation or removal of the bolt is always reliably transmitted and the T-slot nut is aligned crosswise or lengthwise to the slot.

The connection is conductive.


Feeling overwhelmed with what product to choose?

Don’t delay, give OIC a call and talk to us about your industrial application. Our aim is to help your business choose the right Elesa+Ganter element for the function you need. Whether you need to clamp, close, connect, control, level, manoeuvre, measure or set. OIC has an Elesa+Ganter machine element to fit your need.

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