Modular systems for lubrication

Elesa+Ganter flexible coolant hoses are composed of a series of segments to suit the required purpose and to realise the desired length. Segments can be combined with threaded fittings, connectors, adapters and nozzles.Flexible coolant pipes can be used in applications when lubrication, precise suction of fluids or dust particles are required, or when a certain temperature should be maintained.The components of the coolant hose are in acetal resin based technopolymer in blue and orange standard colours.This material is renowned for its excellent stability and elasticity, as well as low hygroscopicity.Elesa+Ganter flexible coolant pipes are also available in FDA compliant material, to meet the requirements for food contact.Our coolant hoses are characterised by:- Modularity and customisation: numerous combination possibilities are allowed, by using several types of adaptors, connectors and nozzles. Length can also be adjusted according to the customer’s requirements.- Flexibility: the snap-in assembly of the individual segments gives the system ductility during orientation and stability during operations, even in the presence of vibrations.- Versatility: the adjustable / modular systems are suitable for various applications, for example where forced circulation of air or suction is required (e.g. drying ink during the printing process).- Excellent chemical resistance: the material is resistant to detergents, lubricants and oils.- Quick assemble and disassemble.- Non-conductive: this material does not conduct electricity and is suitable for use on electrical discharge (EDM) machines.


Feeling overwhelmed with what product to choose?

Don’t delay, give OIC a call and talk to us about your industrial application. Our aim is to help your business choose the right Elesa+Ganter element for the function you need. Whether you need to clamp, close, connect, control, level, manoeuvre, measure or set. OIC has an Elesa+Ganter machine element to fit your need.

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