GN 3664

Torque limiting tristar knobs / screws

GN 3664

Torque limiting tristar knobs / screws


Torque limiting tristar knobs / screws

GN 3664

Torque limiting tristar knobs / screws



glass fiber reinforced

black, matte

Torque limiting mechanism

Steel, hardened

Other parts

Steel, blackened


Plastic light gray

Torque limiting tristar knobs GN 3664 are used when the torque applied by hand must be set or limited.

When turned clockwise, the torque mechanism of the tristar knob triggers a “slipping” effect after the specified torque is reached. When turned anti-clockwise, the mechanism locks up to disable any torque limiting. This ensures that a maximum permissible torque is not exceeded, while the torque required for loosening is always transmitted reliably.

  • Other dimensions of bore inserts or threaded inserts analog GN 300 
  • Other inserts with special threaded studs analog GN 306 
  • Other torques
  • Torques limiting turning anti-clockwise or turning anti-clockwise and clockwise


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